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This game was hella uncomfortable. And weird. I loved it. Thanks!

Here's a recording I made!


Great game my dude, my favourite PS1 styled horror yet! I'm going to post a video of it shortly! :)

Deleted 1 year ago

Aww Man! that was Awesome! I had fun playing this game. even though it was weird at some point and a bit uncomfortable, this game got me good man. i like the voice acting. for me it was really smooth. i hope i can play more works from you my guy! 

p.s game starts at 0:19


Wasn't working on Catalina until I followed these steps, now it opens!

Awesome!! Thanks for sharing here.


We found your secret, David. ;) 


YOU NAILED IT!!! I'm so glad it's not an impossible mess.


Just finished playing this and I have to say the tension was great! I really enjoyed the growing eerieness that kepy coming. It's simple, but it didn't need much else to make me wary of going to the lighthouse. Great job!


yooooo this game was mad creepy check out the react!!

(1 edit) (+1)

I wish there was more! This game is a masterpiece!


i love this game sure its short but its so damn good 


Thank you!! :)


Pour les Francophones !


De rien 😉


I played it before the update and the upadte really adds more to the game like the creature sliding under the bad was a really nice touch. Would love to see more things like that 


Thank you!


I really enjoyed playing this game a lot. There was a story told here that was dropped in a subtle way, which is pretty difficult to do, and I loved how the game looked. This was a really great game.


Pretty cool game, I quite enjoyed it and I liked the style. I made a video of it if anyone would like to check it out. 

Deleted 4 years ago

Idk what you think you posted, but this game ain't in there lol


Gave this a play. Couldn't figure out the secret code no matter how many times I listened to it, but other than that (and breaking the game and falling through the world) this was really cool, very creepy!

(1 edit) (+1)

Does this have anything to do with the, 'smalls island incident'?

It is sliiiightly inspired by it! (Directly inspired the name)

(1 edit) (+1)

Really enjoyed the game! Loved the atmosphere that was built, gave me serious uncanny valley vibes.


WHAT A GAME. This game really got me messed up


Game was really good, the amount of twists at the end.


Cool little creepy game. please check out my first video


Theres something not right with this lighthouse.. game is simple yet interesting

Great little game witha  nice dark twist. I couldn't get the  secret knock on the door thing to work, I counted both the number of clicks and knocks on separate runs and couldn't se a difference. However still a great little experience!

I'm very sorry and thank you for letting me know, a nasty bug I thought I fixed came back and stopped the supersecret from being achievable... I'll leave the details on your youtube comments to not spoil people browsing the store, but thanks a lot for trying it!!


Hey so i can't change the game screen size to 1280x720 i need to change it to that size since the game is to big and it is hard to play the game and i need to see my recording software on my pc when i do a video and i want to play your game so please add something where we can chage the game resolution in like the menu settigns in the game because most games have a menu screen thanks the game looks good btw

(1 edit)

Hi! I'm sorry that current resolution doesn't work for you, but we won't be updating the game any further, it was a jam game after all and we are missing basically all menus and settings.
You might be able to force a window mode with different resolution using an external program like D3DWindower but I haven't tested this and might produce errors.


thanks for making

(1 edit) (+1)

My only complaint for this game is that its too short!!!!! Amen. I discovered this game through Strucci's YouTube channel and I do not regret discovering it. I hope this development team makes more stuff. Game kinda reminds of Lisa: The painful in vibe a-bit.


This was great, horribly oppressive, a little silly, no jumpscares, told a whole story. Awesome work.


I REALLY enjoyed it. Though I am very confused as to what was really happening and for the life of me I can't figure out. Dev, please skip to the near end of the video and address some questions? :)


Had fun playing this game!  Great work on it! 


I just played this, and this island.... definitely disturbed me lol

Deleted 1 year ago

It is pre-update, but thanks for playing anyway! Good luck on finishing all the games


So, as I understood, there are no "Lovecraftian Horrors" on the island. Everything is a symbolic representaion of our protagonist's depression over the loss of his son and his mundane repetitive job, which drives him to commit suicide in the end... Or there is actually something on the island, and it plays with the hero's mind, revealing all his regrets and insecurities to drive him insane...


Will there be another update after this?

(1 edit) (+1)

This game needed this update it was great. :) so glad u published it.  Is there any way in a later patch you could put the cut Npc back in to the game.  I was always wondring why there was a 4th house. 

Nope this is the last update, you'll have to speculate who that 4th person could have been! :D


small island woes made it into games of terror! also loved more disturbing it got as it went along nice! 


As expected of a game made in 2 days, but still an interesting narrative. I like the music on the jukebox.

I had a mighty time trying to calculate how many weeks it would have been since he last visited the lighthouse. Comparatively, things go pretty slow if the kid is still worried about his dog two years later.

"You're going to die, just for the sake of going through the motions, huh?"


(1 edit) (+1)

No Spolier review!


All I can say this game is almost a must play. I have a terible computer and this ran perfectly on it.  Love how the charcters progress trough the game. And don't forget about the music. The soundtrack is great and gives it a great vibe.  The chacters have diffrent stuff to say each time you leave the light house which is a great feature for this type of game.


It has a deep leason but I had to play trough agian to get it, Which is fine I just put this in the cons because there are not very many cons about this game.  Graphics were more like a gameboy and less like a ps1.  

Over All:


There is no reason not to download this game. It's easy to run and had a blast talking to the npc's and listing to the music in the light house.  It is a ltille scary but not as scary as some of the other games on the Ps1 Wretched Weekend. 



I really had fun with this one!!!!

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