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cool game


Not gonna lie, i like the game. Even though its just us doing a quest.



Tonight or tomorrow it might be here!

Whats going to be in the update?

Mostly polish and more stuff to examine each day, different text for each day and a few creepy surprises hidden around. Also, a better ending shot. The update is done and will be posted after some testing!


Cool I will have to follow u to see when it comes out. :)


Graphic 7/10

Quest 10/10

Gameplay just walk.

Nice quest .

And (A) game


Hey i played your game for my channel :D 


Had a lot of fun playing it, keep up the good work :)


Wow, that was really unsettling! ^.^


Just played through once and plan to play it again and try other stuff, the atmosphere was amazing and the sound was perfect


Really love how smooth the game is.  Also the fact that npc's say different things on your way up and back to the boat is a nice touch.   Cool game, cheers! 


This was genuinely just really fun and interesting all the way through. I literally could not guess what was going on even if I tried. Here is my video from it if interested. 


really good game its got a lot of potential  im upload a video of it now ill post it here later good game in all :)


This is great effort for a game developed in 2 days and includes voice overs. Loved the play through, the sense of unease and how it provoked thought by the end of it. I didn't like the fisherman though, he was an A-hole. edit: posted wrong video before. my bad


Hey @kenshod, very sorry that I attributed the game to the wrong dev. I should check my posts before uploading. Feel free to panda slap me. 

Absolutely inceradible. Never felt this immersed or personally related to a game the way I was with this game.


This was a pretty disturbing experience to say the least. My letsplay linked below if you want to check it out. Also contains Ghost Of Tomorrow if you havent seen that one. Very Good game for what it was though.


A very eerie game, i enjoyed it.


Loved the PS1 aesthetic. It was short but sweet. 


I was disappointed that I didnt find in the credits the name of that hot banger from the phonograph. What do they call that hootenanny jam?

Also I did the knock thing from the imgur image and nothing happened, not sure if it's 3 clicks cause each click does 5 knocks or 15 clicks, but whatever it was it didn't, you know what I mean. 


It's the Boodle Am Shake!

For the knocks, clicking will count as 1, the sound doesn't matter (if you click very fast you won't even hear the sound as many times, but it's still counting)


Have you ever seen any game/movie/etc about a lighthouse that isn't creepy?

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the game. Feel very nostalgic about my PS1 childhood. Also, I should play it during the night, but the moment is gone.


You can always play the updated version at night :) (Coming soon)


Very cool horror game!  I liked the atmosphere and design.  The objective and idea behind the was good too! 


I really enjoyed this game, while I was expecting something this was kinda on track but mostly not. You can see my reaction here --> 

very unusual game lol but I liked it!

Link to my channel (opens in new tab)

(1 edit)

yeah i guess it was scary...


Man I love your games, I will follow you because your first horror game " tv night " was freakin cool! Keep making cool games


the cat tho he ate the child, thats a very creepy game.

Enjoyed the game

 here is a video :


Two words to describe this game: Chills and goosebumps

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm probably way late but I figured out the imgur letters

THANK YOU! I spent 20 minutes trying different combinations of v, b, and p, as well as m, n, and l, and it turns out that I wasn't even trying in the right place (I was trying with "/gallery" instead of "/a")!


There"s blood in the game, can you fix it? Thanks, I use Linux.


I'm sorry?


If the blood bothers you, simply stop playing the game. If you are so squeamish and easily scared, then why are you playing horror games in the first place? It's obvious that the developer won't remove the blood cause of one single complaining player.


Smalls Island Woes was definitely an experience. I'm still not quite sure what kind of experience, but it was one. I like how despite the island being tiny and the people crudely drawn, that all works perfectly to fit the eerie nature of things. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this with a bit more depth to the plot.

Good job, devs.

Keep an eye out for the update for a tiny bit more stuff!


Very creepy. Loved it! 


first of all: i love this game!! thank you for all the work you put into such a captivatingly simple experience!

that said, i have to admit im not commenting JUST to compliment you guys (though you do deserve it).

to be real with you, i am going absolutely crazy over this secret because i dont know how to make it work, or if it even does? like, this definitely might be a case of me typing something wrong, but ive tried all the possible variations i can think of, just in case i misheard it. so, im not asking for you to publicly give away all the answers for everyone to see, of course, but as vaguely and respectfully as possible, i gotta ask: is the secret code still functioning, or is the image no longer in the same place? i know an update is coming soon, so maybe it was removed/changed for that? sorry for the bother, but i really cannot stop thinking about this.

thank you for your consideration, and have a lovely day. 5 stars.


Wow thank you so much! You're the first person that tries to go through my poorly made first ever secret lol so I'm sorry for that.

I think what you might be missing is this here at the end... I just checked and it does work even tho it's probably a pain to catch ingame.... I'm sorry again and thanks for playing!!

(3 edits)

thank you for the reply!!! i will continue trying it out ^_^

okay so, i've finally sat down and written out every possible order of letters (32 combinations, if i account for possible B/P and M/N mixups) and tried them all with "" in front of them, but still haven't found a solution. that said, dont sweat it too hard! i totally get how difficult and unpredictable game development can be, so there's nothing to feel especially sorry for!! even if it ends up being unsolvable, i still had fun trying to puzzle it out :)



A bit salty that I never got to eat those apples but oh well...

Second game in the video:

Thanks for the game! :D
(1 edit) (+1)

Picked this game at random when i couldnt get another one to record and Im glad i did, it was a delightful experience. probably my  favorite yet out of this haunted ps1 style games.  I had seen that you were making an update to the game and was curious if it would be a whole new experience or if it is just some  polishing? either way great game and i cant wait to see what you put out in the future!!  P.S just relized you made Tv night another great game I enjoyed, Your on a roll  lol

Thank you so much! The update will be polishing, filling up space, having more stuff to explore, every text changing each day, etc.

Smalls Island Woes was a pleasant surprise. This brief tale of horror has character and a quirky charm that deserves a larger release. Characters are memorable, there’s a touch of dark humor and events happen that take me back to the old graphic adventure games. One of my newest favorites!  


Absolutely loved this whole experience! Such a great atmosphere and the intrigue of the island just kept pulling me. Very well done! :)


A new update soon?

Yep! I hope in a few days, it's quite a makeover of stuff.

(2 edits) (+1)

Your game is so unsettling, and you actually got a scare out of me with that "thing" in the lighthouse, I'm soo grateful that this game got on mac!

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